Did you know that you're constantly programming your mind? In fact, chances are quite good that you're programming your mind right now.
I know, you're reading this article, but that won't stand in the way of you programming your mind to look at reality a certain way and to respond to it a certain way. In fact, most people constantly reprogram their minds and are perfectly unaware that this is going on.
Sounds crazy? Well, this is called self talk. All of us have this script that we are silently playing in the background of our minds. While we may not hear this script with our ears, our minds pick them up loud and clear.
I wish I could tell you that these scripts are just random mentally spoken words that you play in the background in your mind. I wish I could tell you that they're as harmless as the music you hear in a typical shopping center as you pick stuff off the shelf. Unfortunately, if you are not aware of your mental self programming, you will continue to engage in behavior that you're not all that happy with.
Whatever you're frustrated with in your life, maybe it's your career, maybe it's your relationships, maybe it's your weight, physical appearance, or whatever else, these are products of your self talk.
A lot of people don't want to own up to this responsibility. A lot of people would even be offended by this idea. They would blurt out, “Why would I want to consciously be miserable? Who would want all these painful memories in my life? Who would want to consciously screw themselves up? I didn't want this. I didn't want these failures in my life. I didn't want these traumatic experiences. How can you say that I programmed myself to live out these things?”
I understand the resistance. It's perfectly natural. But at the end of the day, the only person that's responsible for your life is yourself. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. It doesn't matter that people would rather not accept this reality, but it's true.
Nobody can force you to live your life except yourself. For some reason or another, you have accepted to live your life. And that's why regardless of how frustrated you are, regardless of how you struggle with certain things in your life, that's the kind of life you live because, at the end of the day, you chose to be there.
If you understand this and you are willing to accept that this is the reality of your life instead of constantly imagining all sorts of excuses, you will get out from under your problems. Seriously.
Have you ever noticed that people who remain frustrated and who continue to struggle for long stretches of their life are all too eager to point the finger to their bad childhood, other people's mistakes or, worse yet, people who just have it in for them? There's this group of bad people in their lives that are just hell bent on making their lives a living hell.
These are convenient excuses. Now, don't get me wrong. There may be people who would love to spit in your face and harm you. Those people do exist. But at the end of the day, you choose your life. You choose to respond to those people a certain way that drags you down further and further into that hole that you're in. This all leads back to how you choose to program your mind.
Understand how self talk works and train yourself to recognize negative affirmations. These are statements that you say to yourself over and over again that define you in such a way that you're less effective, less happy and less content.